30 Days / 30 Nights

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Our summer cruise to Block Island, RI was once again fantastic. We were gone 30 days and only took a dock at 2 locations. What a great summer! Here is a table of our adventures….






0700 – 1730

Rock Hall, MD to Engineer’s Cove C&D take free city dock!

Free City dock and walking the town.


0800 – 1700

Engineer’s Cove C&D to Cape May, NJ anchor off the Coast Guard Station. Take on 21 gallons fuel at Utsch’s $4.50/gal

The Coast Guard has expanded the NO WAKE zone to now include the anchorage, east of their station! About time.


0500 – 2400

Cape May NJ to Block Island, but obviously we are still offshore at midnight

20-25 knots of SW winds on the stern, full jib and motor all night doing 7+ knots. A record run for us of 160 miles in 24 hrs.


2401 – 1200

Round Montauk and arrive Block Island, RI, being BUZZED by IP420 Owner Jim and Craig & Debbie in Jim’s plane! That will scare you at sea!

Dropping anchor after 31 hrs, our fastest run in 6 years!

Seeing Jimmy Buffet aboard his motor yacht Continential Drifter III.


8 days on Block Island

Block Island RI, on the anchor. We moved into Payne’s dock after the madness of July 4th for fuel and water, then back out to the anchor.

Took on 20 gal of fuel @ $5.60/gal. Fireworks delayed due to fog!

The 4th of July Parade is one of a kind. The walk to town everyday is fantastic. The broadband is fast. The beaches are beautiful. The ferry dock is just a fun place to hang out. Meeting good friends who flew over: IP 420 Wind Runner Jim &Vanessa and IP440 Charmed Craig & Debbie! Lunch with islanders Norm & Shelly. The library.


0600 – 1300

Block Island to Greenport, NY, on the eastern end of Long Island. Stirling Harbor, mooring ball $25.00/night. Hot weather!

BLISS IP RENDEZVOUS Meeting all the wonderful IP owners. 30 boats! The Engine Seminar by Brewer’s. The Women’s seminar by Vanessa, Debbie & Radeen. The raffle and all the gifts and donations! Greenport and the town with our IP Battle flag raised in place of the town’s flag! Now that is a town. The BLISS TEAM who worked so hard for all of us. THANK YOU, Al, Bernie and Kem!


1200 – 1430

Greenport NY to Coecles Harbor on Shelter Island, NY, anchored out.

Took on 15 gal of fuel did not note price.

What a beautiful and peaceful anchorage!


0800 – 1350

Shelter Island, NY to Watch Hill, RI, anchored.

The Beach at Watch Hill, the town, the great harbor. But most of all, spending time with IP owners Jim and Craig. It was Jim’s birthday and he is a professional pilot, so we flew to Block Island for cheeseburgers. It took 8 minutes! Then we got to fly in his helicopter as well, since that is his job. This was the highlight of the summer. Thank you, Jim!


0530 – 1830

Watch Hill, RI to Northport NY,great fun using the currents, anchored.

Meeting up with IP 420 owner Conrad from our home marina. We had Conrad over for Breakfast as he was returning from BLISS as well.


0800 – 1200

Northport, NY to Port Washington, NY took free mooring balls

The great town of Port Washington. Celebrating our 28th at 415 Mian Street restaurant.


0900 – 1100

Port Washington to New Rochelle, NY, our first dock! OUCH $3.50/ft city marina. More hot weather.

Take on 16.5 gal of fuel @ $5.29/gal

Meeting great friend from college & family who were traveling south on I-95. We made dinner and drinks and laughed as we got caught up on all topics. Poor laundry and bath house facilities, nice people, interesting town – worth the 2 mile walk.


1200 – 1400

Return to Port Washington, NY. We decided due to weather, we would wait it out in Port Washington instead of NYC.

Working in the public library that is superb. Enjoying the Ayhan Mediterranean Market Place / Deli.

Radeen taking the train to NYC to meet IP 32 Half Moon Al for a taping of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? as I stayed aboard sick.


0600 – 1100

Port Washington, NY, to 79th Street Boat Basin, New York City on a mooring ball.

$30/night in NYC. Living in NYC. Using the Metro Subways and Busses. Walking the Brooklyn Bridge to Brooklyn Heights via Big Onion tours guided by a PhD from Columbia! The ZABAR’s Deli on 80th and Broadway. 79th St. Boat Basin and dealing with the 3+ knot current. Spending the day with Bruce and Loretta, IP 32 owners at the Nyack Boat Club. What a great visit.


1100 – 1500

NYC, 79th Street to Atlantic Highlands, NJ, anchored.

Going to town and walking and enjoying the Memphis BBQ in town and a free movie. We were too tired for the movie, so we gave the tickets to a very happy young couple.


0600 – 1930

Atlantic Highlands NJ to Atlantic City, NJ

West winds in the AM till 1000, then be calmed, then 20 knots of SW winds right on the bow! BUT…1 foot waves, yahoo!


0900 – 1530

Atlantic City to Cape May NJ, dock at Utche’s Marina $2/ft free elec.

CMNJ is a wonderful town. The trolley ride to town. The Dock Mikes for Breakfast. The fishing boats. The beach.


0415 – 1830

Cape May, NJ to Rock Hall. MD



Rock Hall, MD


30 days, 30 nights, 3 docks for (1, 2, 2 nights) otherwise on the anchor.

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