We will DEPART 2011

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We always say…the hardest part to any cruise is LEAVING THE DOCK! There is always one more

Wood Wax, the best for the deck

item to get, fix, repair, or test…always one more thing to do. This process will go on forever, unless you simply leave. So, we have reached the end of our lists and we feel as prepared as we can be for our 2 month summer cruise up to Maine and back to Rock Hall, MD.

We have only been in the water 14 days since launch and usually we take all of April, May and part of June to prepare for our summer cruise so this was a real challenge….launch ASAP and see how fast we can provision and get off the dock.

Arriving here on the docks from BERMUDA as crew on IP40, Larking About, only 15 days ago, we launched Island Spirit and began our work. We also ran one car to home and we picked up our clothes for the cold NORTH.

Here is a short list of jobs accomplished:

Oil change and filters
Fuel filters, 30 micron and yanmar
New Sea Water Impeller, yanmar
Transmission fluids, ATF for the KBW10
Install new shower sump and float switch, froze them over winter! New last yr
6 dock carts of food
Re-register dinghy…lost 2011 stickers, drive to DNR Centerville, MD
flush antifreeze out of water lines
bleach water lines
re-connect water heater
re-install our reinforced Kato davits, had them beefed up for 15 yamaha soon
launch AB dinghy off deck and hang in davits
rebuilt Magma propane grill
Treat great friends to July 4th weekend sail, with BBQ & Fireworks on anchor
polish stainless with SpotlessStainless.com
wax non-skid with Woody Wax….fantastic
re-paint markings on anchor chain (yellow every 25′ / white 100′ 200′)
rig jack lines
check rig tuning
Place two orders with Defender, delivered to marina complete in two days!
Test 12 volt system as if on anchor, inverter and solar good to go
Run home twice and take Dad out for late Father’s Day at Chesapeake Inn
Volunteer work on website, TeamChildren.com

NOW WE ARE LEAVING….YAHOOOOOO….not bad for 14 days of prep!

Jobs still needed…
Re-design reef #1 and #2 with newly purchased lines for single line system
Wax cabin top
Clean lifelines
Oil teak below decks
Touch up varnish under way
Learn new NAVIONICS on the iPad
Set up Bullet WiFi rig feeding into existing Verizon EVDO router
Convert network to all 12 volt off of 120 volt

So….as I said…THE HARDEST PART IS LEAVING THE DOCKS…and tomorrow we will!

Radeen’s new backing center storage!
Radeen’s new backing center storage items…GREAT

Radeen with new backing center stoage boxes…Happy GrL

We need to add weight to the level out the boat…so this was one solution!
It worked well…we stored all of this into the PORT BOW! No more List

Check out the non-skid decks after Wood Wax….they shine and have more traction!
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