Summer 2014, catching up

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Great sailing buddies….

This is a catching up blog post which covers the summer of 2014! We sailed back into Rock Hall, MD, to our home slip on May 26, planning for a quick turn around and then setting sail for a return to Block Island, RI. Well, we departed right on time, June 26, 2014, only to have our engine blow up a few miles out. So this summer we removed the engine and then moved HOME, to our passive solar house, where we truly enjoyed seeing family and friends. We took two trips to our Washington DC family where we enjoyed our cousin’s theater production and July 4th. We shared meals with our wonderful sailing and teaching buddies. Over Labor Day, we enjoyed a long-anticipated trip to see Radeen’s family in Washington State and Oregon. We also designed and built a new master bathroom and really loved our time spent at home.

How wonderful, CLAIRE, B.E. visited us in Rock Hall

Here are some photos, about 50, of the summer of 2014. We are now back on board Island Spirit in Rock Hall. We will be re-installing our new re-manufactured engine this week. If all goes well, we hope to sail over to Baltimore for the Star Spangled Banner Event the weekend of Sept 13-14. 

For now, we hope you enjoy our summer of 2014 photo collection below. Thanks for following our blog….

Hayden and Radeen
We applied more varnish, Epifanes coat #6
Radeen waxing the deck

Radeen’s teaching buddy Paulette came for dinner

We installed a new wind machine

The lilies are up, time to set sail for the summer

The engine blew up….our summer sail is off

Celebrating July 4th with family, how fun with Sherry, Paul and family

Working on the engine head, we can fix this….

Bahamas Buddies Nina and Bob of IP Moondance visited on their way to Long Island Sound

We pulled the engine, it was in bad shape

Great friend Jeff helped to take the engine apart

We found the problem, connecting rod #3 spun a bearing!

Pappy and Pam of IP Pappy’s Packet 

That is it….we moved off the boat….let’s go home.
Happy Anniversary # 34!

College roommate Anita with Radeen, such great friends

At Dianne and Gene ‘s home where we enjoyed a wonderful meal

Our original plumber, Freddie, plumbed in our new bathroom

Teaching friends Joni and Jim shared a visit

Captain Ron and M.A.(Mary Ann) invited us to their new home in MD, fun fun fun!

Back to DC to visit family again and to see the terrific play “She Kills Monsters”

THANE is the best with GrandMa and PaPa

Party at 394 with our sailing buddies, Craig, Radeen, Gail and Freddie

Silly sailing buddies, Gail, Dianne, Radeen and Wendy

My Best Teaching Buddy, Dianne

The WILD Italian Travel Team from last summer’s trip. I almost broke my neck riding these horses!

SALMON HUNTERS….off to Washington and Oregon

Beautiful ladies in Seattle, Radeen, Frankie and Erin

F. L,F.P. = Frankie Lee Fancy Pants

THE BEST DAY OF THE SUMMER, boating on Lake Washington!

F.L.F.P. with Hayden

Life is great on the lake and on the boat

Wild Man Darren on the 60 MPH Jet Ski

Hiking Mount Rainier….at 7,000 feet

Mt. Rainier, Washington, is so beautiful

1,000 HP, the fastest vehicle I ever rode in….Darren is NUTs…but I loved it!

Southern Oregon at Radeen’s Brother’s log home, it is so beautiful

F.L.F.P the bracelet maker and manicurist extraordinaire

David, Hayden, Lee and Darren. We really did move 3.5 tons of hay in one afternoon!
Thanks to Darren, who is soooo strong!

Beautiful ladies, Radeen with her niece, Tanya

My favorite photo of the summer. Sibling BBQ Smoker Team

Family time in Oregon, Thank you, Judi and Lee!

Look at the beautiful setting

Rusty, the wild Mustang, in training 

Lee, Judi and Radeen

Raedeen and Judi at Rooster’s in Klamath Falls 

Wood River wetlands, Oregon

So, there is our summer 2014 wrap-up. We have hired a crane to lift the new motor into the boat on Monday, Sept 8, 2014 and plan to re-install the engine with our good friend and master mechanic, Don. If all goes well, we should be up and running soon, maybe by Wednesday or Thursday. That is our hope!

Thank you once again for following our blog!

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