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…Radeen’s gift, a custom mount… |
Happy Thanksgiving! We are enjoying the day at Sunset Bay Marina and Anchorage. Again, we have to say that this marina has the best focus on customer service, much more than any place we have ever stayed. The management staff is amazing. This is a dream location and it will be very difficult to leave here!
Today we designed and built a simple aluminum mounting bracket to hold the Spectra pressure gauge and water flow meter next to the feed pump in the sail locker. We used aluminum bar stock and with wrenches, bent the shape needed, then drilled holes and mounted the bracket. It was designed to slope upwards so we can see it from above when looking down into the locker. It worked out well. Into this gauge, the product water is plumbed and it will show the pressure in the feed pump and show the gallons per hour of production. With this information, we can tell the state of the 5 micron filter and if the system is running well. If not, it usually means the filter is getting clogged and needs cleaned or changed. Over all, this system is simple. We are glad to know the design and installation so well. We expect this watermaker to give us many years of production.
Our Thanksgiving table with boat buddies |
Our Thanksgiving was a very nice celebration with boat buddies Bill and Trish s/v Island Bound and their buddies Kurt and Sharon of s/v Byrd Ketcher and Matt and Nonnie s/v Sophia Jean and IP owners Nate and Melba s/v Travelin’ Light. Our host, Sunset Bay Marina and Anchorage, provided an amazing meal catered by TooJay’s Restaurant. The cruisers and local boaters brought side dishes and plenty of desserts. The buffet line went across the 30 foot porch and around the corner.
Radeen and Terri at Sunset Bay Marina |
Our local friend, Terri, who lives here aboard IP38 Sailbatical, was also our host and she did a great job helping out the Marina staff with all the set up and table centerpieces. The meal was fantastic and sharing with boat buddies was very fun. This cruising traveling lifestyle is so wonderful and, as every one always says, it is the people that you meet along the way that make it so very interesting and fun.
Happy Thanksgiving to all…..
The catered buffet line in set up mode overlooking the docks |
Propane ovens to keep all the food hot |
Our custom water gauge mount in the design phase |
This is meant to be cut into a panel, we surface mounted it |
The water gauge installed next to the feed pump |
The overview, which will allow us to see it from above in the cockpit |
Off to Thanksgiving at 1500, Radeen made a carrot cake |
Matt, the marina dockmaster, setting up the buffet |
Radeen on Thanksgiving day 2016 |
The 30 foot long pot luck table |
The catered hot meal afterwards….turkey, stuffing, potatoes, green beans, carrots, gravy, etc |
The buffet overlooking the marina |
Must have a food photo on Thanksgiving… |
The view from our table at sunset |
Heading home, our boat is in the mooring field to the right |
Our watermaker job has about one or two more days of work and then it will be finished. We need to run the power feed and install a breaker, and run the product water hose into the water tank. That is it. We are very happy with the install, it took us 4-5 days total. Fun fun fun!
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Too bad you can distill alcohol with your new water make! Haha! Regards Chuck