Sailing to Bequia

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With a great weather forecast for ESE winds, we left Grenada on Dec 24th heading for Bequia with a planned stop on Union Island in Chatham Bay. The sail north was fantastic, and like always, we bashed thru the currents and waves at the north end of Grenada. This being our second run past here, we are learning how the winds and currents accelerate at the north ends or south ends of the Caribbean Islands. The winds are compressed and bent around the islands and then accelerate as they compress to make it up or down and around the end of the islands. It can be 30% more wind as you come out from behind the islands, so we always have a double reef in the mainsail.

Sailing north from Grenada to Union Island Dec 24, 2019, double reefed mainsail and a full 110 jib.

Caribbean Sailing is fantastic.

Island Packets love 20-25 knots of wind and they really like this on the beam or downwind. On this leg, since we are in the Windward Islands, our sailing course is north or south on an east wind! That means beam reaching or close reaching and the sailing is great. Here are some sailing photos, please enjoy.

GoPro lens was dirty, but I love to take photos of Radeen sailing, she likes to sail
Day one of sailing, you can see my jib halyard is not hauled up tight enough, we are still rigging the boat. Sailing was still great
GoPro shot looking at the entire sail set
Fishing rod and cedar plug deployed, but no fish for these first two days.
Aggressive sailing for our first day, we are out of shape and we bounced around and tried not to get hurt.
Selfie of Hayden while sailing under wind vane autopilot steering
This is max speed, hull speed, for an Island Packet 35! WOW, looking goooooood

Rainbow, our first for this 2019-2020 season

It rains nearly every day for 5-15 minutes and that presents a rainbow as well. Here is a photo enhanced rainbow as seen on our first sail of the season. What a joy, this was actually a full rainbow, but my panoramic did not work out, so here is the closest end of the rainbow

Rainbow as we sail north out of Grenada heading for Union Island

On anchor off Union Island, Chatham Bay

Union Island, Chatham Bay was a great place to drop the anchor close and off the beach. We immediately jumped in for a Christmas Eve snorkel and swim along the reef. We saw our first “Snake Eel”  and a moray eel along with many colorful fish. Welcome to the Caribbean where the water is about 78 degrees and when you jump in, you try to decide if it is cold or not. 🙂 The next day, Christmas Morning, we up anchored and headed out for more sailing to Bequia. Our first Christmas Day Sail.

Sunrise as we sailed out of Union heading for Bequia

Sailing Christmas Day

What an unusual way to spend Christmas Day. Sailing! Our destination being Bequia where we arrived around 1100 with time to check in with customs and immigration. After checking in, we were off to the FIG TREE where the cruisers were having a pot luck gathering. Everyone brought a dish to share and your own meat to grill. Our hosts had the grills running and all the tables set up and we brought in our filet mignon and homemade iced pumpkin bars  to share.

Sailing for Bequia, Christmas Day
We are making great speed
Time to check into the country

Thank you John and Darcy and Lafayette

The Fig Tree has become the cruisers place to hang out because the owners, Sheryl and Lafayette, have made it so inviting to the boaters. This mother-daughter team opens their space for cruisers to come in and hang out for Christmas Day. Boat Buddies, John and Darcy, who got marrids here on Bequia, hosted and organized the pot luck. Tons of work for 80 cruisers to all have a place to sit and to have a buffet table and to share. What a great Christmas Day with everyone. We really enjoyed this.

My first Bequia Selfie with JOHN and DARCY, our cruising hosts for the event.
Our Filet Mignon with shrimp, veggies and couscous from the buffet
Sheryl, the owner of the FIG TREE and our gracious Bequia Host, with John and Darcy in the background. Thank you all!
The Fig Tree is large with seating for maybe 100. It has a popular bar and cafe and fun vibe.

Fun times on Bequia

We have now been here 5 days and we are really enjoying this island. Bequia has been a cruising favorite of ours since out first stop here in 1992. That was on a charter boat and like all charter boats, you only stay one day at a place because you only have one week and you want to see it all, so you move, move, move. Its so different cruising on your own boat. No schedule, no timeframe, so we can stay as long as we like an any location. That is what is so wonderful about cruising. So, we are hiking, walking, swimming, snorkeling the reef and visiting. Welcome to the simple peaceful life.

The Gingerbread House coffee shop on the beach at the dinghy dock, love it
It took two days, four different attempts and some extra cash  for clearing in on a holiday but we finally got checked into the country.
To our starboard, we have the coral reef where we snorkel with tropical fish
To our port bow are palm trees and the dinghy docks
Out for excellent steel pan music  at the Fig Tree

Up Next, Hiking…

We will write next about our wonderful three days of hiking Bequia where we have seen some amazing views. Thanks to our buddies on IP38 DreamCatcher, Dean and Kim, for organizing the hike. Here are a few teaser photos…..

Overlook back into our harbor, where Island Spirit is in the left valley
There we are, the tan colored boat, the closest bat and one of the smallest in the harbor 🙂

Thank you all for following along. Radeen and I really enjoy sharing our sailing wit you. Your comments are emailed directly to us and we try to respond to them all. Thank you!

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6 Replies to “Sailing to Bequia”

  1. Brought back great memories….we bareboated up and down the Grenadines (not all at once but over several trips, once sailing down from St. Vincent and once sailing up from Grenada). Coming into Bequia was one of the highlights…we were greeted by a crazy guy standing up in his dinghy circling our boat and taking pictures as we sailed around the northern end to the harbor…of course he came by later when we were anchored and sold up the pictures that I happily bought…still hanging on our walls at home….that was exactly 20 years ago!
    Thanks for the memories

  2. Another great morning read sailing along with you! The boat looks great, the scenery brings tears to my eyes and those duct tape name tags are priceless! But more than that, you both look so happy and relaxed! Happy New Year my friends! Thanks for sharing. Loretta and Jim Elliott s/v Plan Sea

  3. I think Loretta and Jim’s post wrapped up your experience “most excellently”. Put those Grenada frustrations away and enjoy the new century of sailing. Amazing how many boats are anchored there with you.
    Dan & Barbara Tyska.

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