Sailing into Mt. Desert Maine

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Sailing into Mt. Desert, Acadia National Park, in Maine, is an extraordinary experience, especially on a west wind of 12-15 knots, with flat seas and under sunny skies. (No fog!) Departing Vinalhaven at 0715 hrs, we had to navigate the frustrating “lobstah” pots and their deceiving toggles, which are secondary pick-up floats on 30 feet of extra line. Add in a little current, crazy channels, rock piles and we had a very fun and exciting morning rush hour. Once out of the Fox Islands Thorofare, we carefully navigated the passage of “Merchant Row,” which has many small islands with names like The Brown Cow and Scraggy Rock. After exiting into Jericho Bay, we set sail for a beautiful beam reach in 12 knots of wind. Bearing off onto a full wing on wing, we sailed down Toothacher Bay for an easy reach on the outside of Long Island. After rounding Long Island, we turned onto an upwind course for Mt. Desert, sailing 40 degrees off the wind all the way up to the Cranberry Islands. A total of 37 miles for one of the most beautiful sailing days since departing Maryland.

The course we ran today, very interesting and challenging!

The Fleet Navigating the Lobstah Pots in Merchant Row
(L-R) IP440 Lyons Pride, IP40 SURPRISE, IP380 CAVU

The southern side of Long Island, Maine
Close hauled for Mt. Desert and Cadillac Mountain, Maine
Rush Hour arriving Northeast harbor at Mt. Desert, Maine
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