We decided to make a dash out the Sound in order to connect with the planned Island Packet helicopter photo shoot off Point Judith for Monday at 1pm to 2pm. So, with the weather fairly calm, we departed Port Washington, NY for Milford CT at 0530 am! This run would be about 50 miles and we wanted to run the tide AND we wanted to be anchored well before the predicted thunderstorms. We had to motor in 3-5 knot winds but flat calm seas and beautiful am skies. Then the vizibility reduced to about .75 miles and this gave us all a chance to review our radar systems and gain settings because we will surely need it in MAINE. Lucky for us, we had the Port Jefferson / Bridgeport ferries crossing our bow, providing us with fast targets to track and AIS data to read. We never had a target closer than 1.o miles, yet this was all good practice.
Arriving Milford CT by 1230, we were anchored by 1300 hrs behind Charles Island and just off the really cool sand bar that creates this harbor. This sand bar is under water by about 2 feet at high tide, but is exposed at low tides prividing about a 1 mile bridge from land out to Charles Island. What a great place to walk and explore.
Then, as forecasted, the front came in and the winds picked up to a peak of 42 knots with plenty of rain and lightning not far off in the distance. Lucky for us, we all had plenty of chain out, 150+ feet and large anchors, so we all held fast. Of course after a storm like this you are rewarded with a beautiful rainbow and a wonderful sky. Tomorrow we will make the 55 mile run to Watch Hill, my #2 favorite location in New England.
All the treats of being on the water in one day
- Red AM sky, calm waters
- Fog, low viz, ferries, ziggin and zaggin
- Approaching storm worries, get anchored
- Frontal storm, lightning, 42 knots
- Clearning and a rainbow….
- WOW, what a great day 🙂