Photo Essay of Block Island, RI

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Aldo’s Bakery delivers fresh pastries to the anchored boats!
Radeen enjoys the AM at anchor, Block Island, RI
Fun sights of people enjoying life on a boat, here the owner returns from walking the dog
Going to shore from anchor requires you to navigate the dinghy dock!
Rule #1: Climb over the LARGEST dinghy, it is easier!

Pay your $0.50 per person for landing on Block Island, RI

Overlooking the harbor from the Narragansett

You can land the dinghy on the beach here and then walk to town
People enjoying a Saturday AM on the lawn

One of the 365 fresh water ponds on Block
Beautiful homes with great landscaping

Hydrangea cover the front porch of this home….beautiful
Once of the best hardware stores on any Island….”Island Hardware”
Massive home for Block, overlooking a nice pond
In town, the Red Bird is well know for fine wines and spirits
The ferry dock is the hub of the town, here, the Saturday AM crowds arrive!
Aldos owns the #1 spot, this is the view you see when getting off the ferry! Perfect
ALDO….how can we resist? I am on my way! THANK YOU Bobby!
The shops at teh top of the ferry dock overlook the dock area
Look how beautiful….
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0 Replies to “Photo Essay of Block Island, RI”

  1. Great pictures! You did the island justice!

    I'm glad you didn't lose that cinnamon bun getting that shot. I can see it now… "Just tip that plate a little more this way …. splash!!

    That dinghy dock is amazing. What's the protocol?? It's OK to climb thru one to get on/off yours?

    Great photos. Thanks for posting them. It brings back great memories

  2. I have been to Block Island twice. If I remember correctly you are supposed to leave at least a 3ft painter when you tie up to the dinghy dock. Some people don't and it can be like bumper cars getting out. Yes we have climbed over other dinks when required.

    Landing Fee box??? Hmmm don't remember that one. Must be the New Yorker in me coming out. LOL


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