About Our Maps
We have been mapping our cruising trips for FREE for many years. (Unlike most YouTubers that will charge$ for you to follow them!!!! ) Back in 2007-2012 we used Google Maps and we would physically, by hand, and with Internet access, place a pin down at every anchorage or every dock. We even added photos to these Google Map pins. This was pre-Active Captain Day$. This was very time-consuming. Then in 2012 we started using a SPOT transmitter and we would press the button at each key point of a voyage and this would place the map pin automatically. Then we discovered that SPOT deletes your map pins after 30 days, this was not a viable solution if we wanted to build our map archive. Enter SPOTWALLA.com, this person, Jason, solved that. In 2013 we connected our Spot account over to our Spotwalla account and now the map pins are saved forever, thanks to Jason! This is a great solution. In 2016 we moved to the In-Reach by Delorme/Garmin and now we have the device set to place a map pin down whenever the boat is moving. This device will also allow us to send text messages to the map pins as well as to Facebook, Twitter, and our Gmail contacts. This is a fantastic upgrade and we look forward to using this to map our travels. Enjoy our maps.
the Intracoastal Waterway
750,000+ views!
ICW Maryland to Florida to Bahamas to Maryland
If that does not open, then use this
Our #2 Most Popular Map
The ICW Intracoastal Waterway 2012
12,000 + views
If that does not open, then use this
All our trips via GARMIN INREACH MAP
Click this link, then click VIEW ALL
Then Zoom back to see Maine to the Caribbean!
Here are ALL our Spotwalla Trip Maps on one page
2024-2025 Map: Start in Jolly Harbor Antigua, sailing Windwards/Leewards Caribbean Islands
This is season #24, we launch the boat Dec 1, 2014 in Jolly Harbor Antigua and enjoy Christmas and New Years in Falmouth and English Harbor at Nelson’s Dockyard. From there, we plan to sail south to Guadeloiupe and Dominica and Martinique and St Lucia, and then sail back north to St. Martin and hopefully the USVI. This year should be an easy low mileage calm sailing year. Lets hope so.
Map Archives
Look at all the years!
2023-2024 Map: Start in Brunswick GA, US to Florida to the Bahamas to the Caribbean….we hope
This is season #23 and we are hoping to return to the Eastern Caribbean Sea with a target destination of ANTIGUA! Stops along the way will be Stuart Florida where Colin Mack and his team always prep our boat. Then off to Biscayne Bay where we commission the watermaker and check all systems. Then eastward to the Exuams and on to the Turks and Caicos. From there, where we usually get stuck, we will push on to the DR, and then to Puerto Rico where we will finally be back on the Caribbean Sea. Thanks for sailing along.
2022-2023 Map: Start in Maryland, US to Florida to Bahamas to Caribbean
This season, our 22nd year, we start at home in Rock Hall, MD and help friends run south to Florida. There we base in Stuart Florida for Thanksgiving. From there, it is off to Miami/Biscayne Bay and then out to the Exuams and we push east to return to the Caribbean Sea.
Map Archive is HERE
2021-2022 Map, 3,320 nm!
Launch in Puerto Rico on Nov 17, 2021 after 16 months of storage
Sail PR to USVI to SXM to ANU (Antigua was our most East destination)
Sail Back to BVI for Feb
Sail for HOME, March in PR and Turks
April in Bahamas
May USA East Coast
Home in Annapolis MD Mid May 2022
Map Archive is HERE
2020-2021 Map….covid canceled, Life happened….Boat stayed on the hard in Puerto Rico undercover. We flew down in May 2020 to service here and protect all systems. Then we flew back in Nov and launched her NOV 17, 2021 finally after 16 months of storage.
Covid-19 run Antigua to Grenada
Wait…Grenada closes Airport, cant fly out
Sail back north to USVI? Wait to Haul out in Puerto Rico July 10, 2020
See Map HERE
Starting in Rock Hall, MD, destination Grenada
this map shows us starting in Puerto Rico where we picked up our hurricane damaged boat. We then shipped her from St. Thomas to Stuart Florida where we spent the winter on repairs with Mack Sails. Then we did a shake down sail to the Berrys and then an ocean run to HOME. Too late to return to the Caribbean Sea.
Fl to the Bahamas to the Caribbean Sea (store boat in Fajardo Puerto Rico)
MD to FL to the Bahamas back to Florida
MD to FL to the Bahamas to BVI (jet) Sail back to MD
FL to Exumas to MD
EXUMAS Bahamas Map
MD-Abacos Bahamas
Our GOOGLE MAPS of our travels.
In the earlier days, I would create my own travel maps and place a Google map pin down along with a photo for that place. This was all done via a cell phone connection while on anchor. I placed a pin at the end of EVERY DAY of travel.
My ICW 2011 and ICW 2012 maps have been viewed
tens of thousands of times. Enjoy
2013 Maps
- 2013 Maps (Bahamas, Exumas and a trip to Italy!)
- Italy 2013, our first visit to Europe (Zoom into Italy to see our trip)
- Our BAHAMAS 2013 SPOT Map
- Island Packet Yachts Refit Program Map (areas related to IPY Refit)
2012 Maps (ICW MD to Bahamas + Lake Okeechobee)
- OUR #2 MAP of ICW
- Atlantic Crossing 2012 (postponed, we did not go, Dave took our spot for John and Nancy)
2011 Maps (ICW MD-FL and Bahamas)
- Maryland to Maine 2011
- OUR #1 MAP ICW 2011: 300,000 view!
- ICW Maryland to Florida to Bahamas to Maryland our first trip south!
- Marsh Harbor Map http://tinyurl.com/MarshHarbor
- South Abaco Sea Map http://tinyurl.com/SouthSeaAbaco
2009 Maps (Summer trip to Maine via NYC, Long Island and Offshore)
2008 Maps (Summer in Block Island, RI)
2007 Maps
- Delivery: Maryland to Forida 2007 (good friends Ron and Paul take Island Spirit to FL)
- Port Washington, NY
2006 Maps