ICW Smyrna Beach FL

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While running south on the ICW below Daytona Beach Florida, you will snake your way around Ponce de Leon inlet and then New Smyrna Beach Florida area. This being our first time down the waterway, we are amazed at how protected AND beautiful the waterway is. This video we shot in the AM with the sun over the bow, nice clouds, and a narrow area of the ICW just below New Smyrna Beach. As usual with the waterway, there are dolphins playing all around and it has been very difficult to capture any dolphins in a photo or video. In this video I wanted to show the waterway and how narrow it can be, and sure enough, dolphins surfaced right off the bow. We are really taken with the all the dolphins, pelicans, egrets, manatees, and other birds! The ICW is a wonderful trip and we are so lucky….

Here is our short video…(please excuse the grammatical slips, I was simply overwhelmed)

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