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Great Sale Cay to Green Turtle Cay |
It is a simple 45 nm run from Great Sale Key to Green Turtle Key and in this case it was a total flat calm motor run as there are zero winds in the Bahamas this week due to a ridge north of here blocking all the winds. Fine with us, we prefer to sail but we also prefer calm passages, so I sanded teak and did a varnish job on passage.
Sara and Ken of IP40 Tin Tean join us for dinner |
We arrived Green Turtle Cay on Wednesday and decided to stay here and enjoy the White Sound area on anchor. We took in the Green Turtle Club and enjoyed breakfast there. Good friends from Annapolis, Ken and Sara, biked over from Black Sound for dinner aboard. They recently organized the first ever St. Patrick’s Day Parade at GTC….we are sorry we missed it by just one day.
Life is easy here. We did laundry. Sounds like not a big deal, but with 3 loads at $5.00/load to wash and $5.00/load to dry it adds up to a quick $30 dollars. While the laundry is running, we stay by the pool sipping coffee and looking out at our boat on anchor. So, the view and pool alone are worth the price!
Here are a few photos.
…. I really love to take photos in the Bahamas….
Radeen measuring the banyan tree |
Radeen loves to ride a tandem bike, so we toured Old Bahama Bay |
What to do at Great Sale Key, read, read, read |
Sunset at Great Sale Cay, looking back toward Florida |
Enjoying the sunset selfie |
Heading EAST in the AM for Green Turtle Cay |
Ahhhhh, the Green Turtle Club |
Coffee creamer from near our home in PA and butter from New Zealand |
The #1 Breakfast sandwich in the Bahamas, Green Turtle Club I rarely blog food, but this is worth it….get here and try one! |
Whiteaker Yacht Sales mobile office i.e. Team Island Spirit Open in the Bahamas and working |
Our Mobile Whiteaker Yacht Sales Office Stop in |
This is us at Green Turtle Cay, The Bluff House |
The view from the Laundry Room with our boat on anchor dead center |
Landscaping |
The tide is out in New Plymouth Settlement |
Welcome to Green Turtle Cay where 400 people live. The settlement was founded in 1783 by black and white British Loyalists. They were colonists forced from the U.S. following the Revolutionary War due to persecution and economic ruin. |
A home on the water, needs some work. Coral blocks for the foundation. |
Blue against the blue sky, beautiful |
Pig competition, these are the new swimming pigs in Abaco |
Phone call, need to make a call? This phone works! |
Thank you, BTC Bahamas, our cell phone tower and how we communicate |
On watch over the dinghy dock. |
Yes, life is slower, easier, and more peaceful in the Bahamas. Water is clear to 20+ feet. Fish are swimming under the boat and the sky is blue and the breeze about 5-10 knots right now. Temps are 80 degrees at noon and 70 degrees at night. You wake in the AM and hear NOTHING, only fish splashing, roosters crowing, and birds chirping. No car horns, no trains, no police sirens, no traffic, no TV news, nothing, just peace and calm and quiet…..ahhhh….welcome to the Bahamas!
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So glad you guys made it over there! Sounds wonderful 🙂
Hi Hayden & Radeen have a wonderful time!
Two things:
Radeen, you cut your hair!
And I didn't know that I had become a Pig Whisperer?
And I'm still digging out from the most recent snow storm! I hope you are having as great a time as it looks (and we are not!)!