Island Spirit (IP35) and Charmed (IP440) sailing vessels of the Atlantic Fleet of the Island Packet Navy, have successfully commandeered Fort Matanzas. While Catspaw (IP380)maintained an all-night offshore vigil covering that defensive sector. Catspaw was assisted by the ship’s cat, Tiller who has exceptional night vision and skill at spotting enemy ships!
Safe anchorage in the Matanzas River has now been secured within 100 yards of the Fort for the entire Navy. However, if ye are NOT flying your proper IP colors, a warning shot will be fired across your bow at 1.5 miles approach. Ye shall certainly be sunk at 1.0 miles out without the IP Colors flying PROUDLY! We hope all IP Navy vessels will spend a night off the Fort. Enjoy.
Photo taken from atop the lookout deck
after commandeering the Fort for Island Packet.

Map location to Fort IP
see interactive map here
Congratulations on your raising of the IP Banner. Give our regards to Tiller and the crew of Catspaw.
We are near Lake Worth and will be checking for any Southern IPs in need of land errands.
Enjoy the adventure!