Fall Southbound

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AM Rush Hour SUN GLARE Departing Solomons
Dew covered windshields keep fogging up

Since this is our first trip south, we are experiencing new aspects of fall sailing. For example, enjoying chilly nights behind the full enclosure and waking up to a boat that is 50 degrees. We have zero visibility as the morning dew coats the windshields and the enclosure. Steam off your coffee fogging up your glasses, and wearing  fleece, lots and lots of fleece! Yes, this is FALL Southbound and we are enjoying the new experiences. One sure sign we are moving south was the arrival of the BROWN PELICAN. These sea birds are such graceful gliders as they soar inches off the water. Then they climb up, do a barrel roll and dive directly head first into the water filling their bills with fish. What a show. Mix in the constant flow of commercial shipping, car carriers, tugs pushing cranes, and container ships and you have a never ending scene to enjoy. We are into day #2 as we left Solomons MD at 0730 and pulled into Jackson Creek at 1700 running another 50+ mile day. Our motor work is working out very well as our engine is smoother, quieter, faster and more efficient.  Today, we plan to make Norfolk, VA, only 38 miles away, and rest up in Willoughby Bay before moving into Portsmouth for some explorations.

Look at the contrast of this day…

Morning mist light by the sunrise off Solomons, MD
AM Dew, washes the boat. I always say that keeping varnished teak on a boat
is like keeping your best piece of furniture outside and then TRYING TO MAINTAIN the finish!

BRRR….Radeen enjoys and finishes a book off watch

Point No Point Lighthouse, Chesapeake Bay
Tug pushing a large crane up the B,ay. This was a first…

PELICANS….we are getting there now. Yes, Virginia has Brown Pelicans
Car Carrier named Horizon Leader, 656′ long, 105′ wide, 13 decks tall.
Carries 6,650 cars, we called him on the radio and he told us the specs, interesting!
Speed….20 knots! Get out of the way!
Smith Point Lighthouse, south of the Potomac River, on a Sunday afternoon
Container Ship with Tractor Trailer Boxes full of imported goods.
Click this picture and count the boxes wide! UNREAL
By late afternoon, the fleece comes off and we enjoy the warm sun
Anchor down in Jackson Creek along with IP460 Cutter Loose.
Another Great day….

Life is fantastic aboard a well running boat. It is simple, it is peaceful, and adventurous. Next stop…Norfolk and Portsmouth, VA, then the Dismal Swamp.

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