Buzzards Bay to Cape Cod Bay

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Reefed Main Sail, FULL 135% Jenny + Staysail, all out!
These Island Packet Yachts can handle high winds, 33 knots true here!

This is our fourth trip north through the Cape Cod Canal and every time it gets my adrenalin elevated because of the various conditions of weather, shipping, and 3 to 4 knot current added to the 10 foot tides! This time was no different, we had it all: Fog with 1/4 mile visibility or less, a closed railroad bridge that we could not even see, and two tugs pushing loaded oil barges, WELCOME TO THE CAPE COD CANAL!

Yes, that’s a Railroad bridge, it was DOWN just minutes ago!

I always say these New England sailors are a hardy bunch and we Chesapeake sailors have no clue what they endure until we try it for ourselves. We ran north east up Buzzards Bay into fog with about 1/2 mile visibility which is good for this area, then we entered the Cape Cod Canal right behind the “A.J. McAllister” who works the canal pushing barges through to the other side. We never saw him but we knew he was there via our computer’s AIS, automated identification system. This system tells us the course, speed and direction of commercial ships and how close they will pass you. We love this system as it answers the most important question: WILL THEY HIT US?

Notice the 10 foot tide that is DOWN.
These fisherman are sitting above the high tide mark!

After exiting the canal, we enjoyed a brisk 25 knot SW wind in Cape Cod Bay. We sailed this wind for 26 miles up to Scituate Harbor, MA. Of course this wind built to a solid 30 knots with many gusts up to 35 knots. Here we were again, sailing in strong winds but our little Island Spirit took it like a champ and sailed many miles at or above hull speed of 7.2 knots and many times at 8.2 knots! It was a great day!

Whitney and Jason on the bow of Island Spirit

The highlight the day was a visit from our special friend, Jason, and his new bride, Whitney, who were in Boston on business. We enjoyed snacks, cocktails and fun stories of their St. Lucia honeymoon. Jason is the son of Radeen’s college roommate and good friend; they are family. Thank you Jason and Whitney for making the effort to visit Island Spirit. We really enjoyed seeing you both!

More Photos from this leg:

Tug and Barge passing us in the Cape Cod Canal

Tug A. J. McAllister pulling an Oil Barge
Sailing Cape Cod Bay in 25 knots SW
Jason, our history teacher, gave me this flag a few years ago….Thank you, JASON
Jason and Whitney arrive at Scituate Harbor, MA, what a special visit.
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