Black Point

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Black Point Settlement is our identified southern most point, as we only have 3 weeks to explore these islands of the Exumas. This is the second largest settlement in the Exumas with 200 residents, Georgetown is the largest. Here at Black Point it is customary to visit Lorraine and her Mother. Lorraine opens her home for dinners and cooks the best meals and her Mother bakes the local breads. Rockside is the most impressive laundromat anywhere in the entire world. It is spotless and modern, with WiFi, Cable TV, a store, coffee and pastries. And then there is the view! 
No laundry has a view like this or a dinghy dock like this. This is the #1 laundry. So, while Radeen did 3 loads of laundry, I had the pleasure of rebuilding the head, you know, the toilet! Yes, stupid us, we had the Island Packet Factory rebuild all hoses, pumps and valves to the head, but did not tell them to replace the 4 year old toilet. Lucky for me, I had bought a new replacement head pump on our last day in Miami. The rebuild was easy, simply a matter of swapping out the pump assembly. 
While here at Black Point , we enjoyed our first meals out off the boat since leaving Miami 16 days ago. This was a real treat, especially after the yacht services and jobs. We enjoyed Scorpio’s for chicken BBQ with Bahamian mac ‘n cheese and Lorraine’s for lobster tails and rum punches.  It was a special treat to have Kathy and Dan of IP-440 Sea Star join us both evenings!
Sadly, with only 2 days here at Black Point, we will sail out and north up to Cambridge Cay, back into the Land and Sea Park. Cambridge Cay is reported to be many cruisers’ favorite place with great snorkeling and protection. 
Here are some Black Point photos
The well water pumps and front door view from the laundry

Our view from anchor at Black Point

The dinghy dock and our boat on anchor

The school house

Walking out of town

The one and only GARDEN of EDEN


Driftwood sculptures at the GARDEN of EDEN

The source of our connectivity, Batelco

Returning home with the laundry

Harbor water is so clean

Out to dinner with Julie and Dixey

Fun times at Scorpios

Out to dinner with Bob and Nina

The mailboat arrived and almost sunk our dinghies… joke….we had to run for it
Spare head pump…a last minute buy in Miami. Good decision!

How to take apart the head

Head removed, made it easier to rebuild

Swap out the new pump

Reinstall the head….all in about one hour

Life on a cruising boat is the best…..when all systems are running smoothly! Cruising = Fixing your Boat in Tropical Locations 🙂

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0 Replies to “Black Point”

  1. Are there enough parts in that thing! OMG it looks like a parts list for the High Pressure Rocket Nozzles on the Space Shuttle!

    That is one job that thankfully I never had to tackle. In paradise or not…. its still a crappy job!

    Repairing boats in exotic places… that's cruising.

    Great pix as usual.

  2. Thanks for getting Bob and Nina off the dock! We never thought they would escape FLL.
    You should go one island South to Little Farmer's Cay, it is a fun spot with 3 bars/restaurants. A real oasis in the Exumas. Usually we could get fresh fish in the afternoon from the fishermen.

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