Beaufort to Wrightsville Beach

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This is an interesting section of the ICW, from Beaufort, NC to Wrightsville Beach, NC. Sights range from the commercial shipping of Morehead City to the firing ranges of Camp Lejeune Military Base where 40,000 Marines train each year to the beach resort town of Wrightsville Beach.

This area is also known for its natural beauty and diversity, with several national forests close to the Waterway, the Rachel Carson Reserve and nearly endless magnificent beaches.

Here are some photos to show this diversity…

Orange Lifeboat on the launch ramp of a commercial ship in Morehead City 

The same bulk carrier being loaded

Notice the underwater bulb at the bow of the ship.
The waterline will be the bottom of the blue paint when fully loaded!

At anchor in Mile Hammock Bay, Camp Lejeune, a simple dinner of salad, chili and red wine after a breezy day.
(Thus the wild hair!)

Figure Eight Island Swing Bridge just north of Wrightsville Beach

Island Spirit at anchor, where she is fully loaded and STILL has a waterline!

This is what $1,000,000 dollars will get you in Wrightsville Beach, NC
3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 blocks off the beach!

At Johnnie Mercer Fishing Pier. Cold front day, winds 15-20 North, chilly Canadian Air…brrrr
The cold does not stop Wrightsville Beach surfers, paddle boarders, swimmers and walkers
who all take to the beach. This is a very active town.

Architecture Study: Typical restored original beach house from early 1900’s.
Though cloudy and cool, we had a pleasant trip from Mile Marker 200 to 284, covering 84 miles in two days.
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