Bahamas to Maryland Plan

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We are planning to make some ocean runs this year on our run from the Bahamas to Rock Hall, MD. Our current plan, launching Thursday, 0700 April 24, 2014 will take us from Green Turtle Cay to Fort Pierce Florida where we will anchor by Friday 1900. There we will stage up for a run from Fort Pierce Florida to Charleston South Carolina, a 400 nm leg. We plan to spend a few days there taking in the great town of Charleston and then we will make a 200 mile jump to Beaufort North Carolina where our great friends Greg and Kate will NOT BE :-(.  From there we will run north into the ICW and up to Norfolk to our free dock at Portsmouth and then into the Chesapeake Bay.

So, Our Bahamas 2014 trip is drawing to a close with one last party at Green Turtle Club with our boat buddies as we enjoy the music of THE GULLY ROOSTERS. They start playing at 9 pm, “cruisers midnight” but we will dinghy in and enjoy the music. In the AM, we will derig the dinghies, taking off the motors, and fuel tanks and anchors and lashing them into the davits for the gulf stream crossing. Lucky for us, the winds and seas are calm, and the passage will be a casual motor run.

The weather fronts are not giving us the best sailing winds, so, we are taking this calm to run to the coast and stage up there for the next front to sail north in the Gulf Stream. Who knows, if our weather router, Chris Parkes says tomorrow night that it looks for for a go to Charleston, then we may just hang a right and keep going norht. WHO knows????

For, now, it is off to the Gully Roosters…..PARTY

Island Spirit at anchor off Green Turtle Club

You can follow our LIVE map via SPOT and SPOTWALLA, here. This is the best and most live data we can publish from sea…

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0 Replies to “Bahamas to Maryland Plan”

  1. Sorry that we'll miss you this trip but your slip awaits if you want to make the stop.

    The key for the pool, laundry, etc is in the boat ignition. Make yourself at home.

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