Back to School, Day 1

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Sunset from our classroom

For 30+ years, Radeen and I have been going back to school each year with excitement and also with normal educational challenges. Also for 30+ years, we have been planning and dreaming of the day when we could simply stay on the boat.

For example, we watched the most beautiful sunset last night for well over 30 minutes. When do you every watch a full sunset while you are working? We enjoyed a glass of wine in the cockpit as Radeen and I talked at length about our great summer sail to Maine. It is hard to make quality time to truly talk with your spouse and reflect while you both are busy working. We enjoyed the sea birds that were blown inland 50+ miles from the hurricane. They seemed lost, looking for the ocean beaches. It can be difficult to make time to watch birds while working.Why? Because you are too busy, too rushed, with no time for these little things in life. Now we do have time and we are taking the time to enjoy these simple treasures. So as we truly begin our new adventure, we close one chapter of life today and look forward to the cruising life aboard Island Spirit. What a great way to end a summer….life aboard is a dream and we know we are so fortunate!

Here are some photos to demonstrate the peacefulness….

One of my new students…look at how well he can focus and pay attention!
This student I can tell will be trouble…notice the look… the attitude…oh, boy!
Is this bad boy paying attention? Not really….I know how to read my students!
Reflections on your past, present, and future dreams is a worthwhile activity.
Take time to reflect and plan!
Our current classroom, notice the open feeling of this room….ahhhh.

This is a September sunset, I have watched this for 20 years.
I used to be sad when the sun reached this SW position,
now….it is time to prepare for points south and the BAHAMAS!
There it goes…sunset on our teaching careers….
New adventures begin NOW!
Home Sweet Home
Hayden, learning everyday….
Radeen…who loves to sail….and live on the our boat….
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0 Replies to “Back to School, Day 1”

  1. Great essay!
    Beautiful pictures. Watch that one gull – he looks like trouble 🙂

    Glad to hear you rode out the storm ok and that Island Spirit is ready to take you on your next adventure.

    Minor damage here but all fixable.

    All eyes here are now turned back to the next one churning out there and keeping our fingers crossed.

    Just love those pictures…. keep em coming!

  2. Hayden & Radeen – Your classroom may have changed but your love for teaching and for encouraging others will carry you farther than the many horizons that Island Spirit will chase.

    I felt so blessed to spend a week sailing with you, chasing (or running from) hurricanes, shooting silly videos and putting our shoulder into the serious work of preparing the boat for the storm.

    You both taught me many things in that week and I am so very grateful for you in my lives. Keep sharing your joy and Island Spirit with others.

    And btw – I think one of your students just pooped on the boat. Sorry 🙁

    Cap'n Blaine

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