Caribbean Dream

Our last post was from Marie Galante and now, after a month of Caribbean Dreams we are back in Antigua ready to sail south back to Guadeloupe and south to Grenada. We left Maria Gallante and sailed up to Guadeloupe then to Antigua. There we hosted dear friends Jim and Gail for a week of fun. After that we sailed up to Barbuda and fell in love with the pink sand beaches. from there  we sailed over to St. Kitts to rendezvous for a few hours with boat buddies Fran and Butch on mv Smartini. A quick ferry ride down to see Nevis and then a bashing back east 40 nm into the wind to return to Antigua and here we are.

We are now on the launch pad for sailing south to Guadeloupe and onward to Grenada for haul out May 8th. But for now, we have a lot to discover along the way. Here are some photos of the best along the way over the past month. NOTE: We are posting nearly daily to our PUBLIC Facebook page here: Please browse to this to see all the live action. NOTE#2, you do not have to be a member of Facebook to actually see a public web page, it is the internet, you may click on it and enjoy the content, even thought it has Facebook in the URL, it will not be a problem. Enjoy…

Going to town on Illes de Saints
Fun IPYOA rendezvous in Jolly Harbor
New Force Ten Stove installed in Antigua
Jim and Gail fly into to spend a week on Island Spirit
Shirley Heights is a required visit
Nelson Dockyard and Pillars is so interesting
Middle Ground Hike is a fun hike off Nelson’s
Birthday sailing was a dream off Antigua
Testing the new oven with homemade scones
Fun hiking Deep Bay Antigua with buddies
Off to Barbuda
Barbuda is AMAZING, this is a must visit place
Nevis via Ferry from St Kitts
Nevis and St Kitts are so different
Happy Birthday to Radeen, her 9th birthday on the boat!
Our travels

Please visit out PUBLIC FACEBOOK Page

We have many more photos, essays, stories and nearly live postings on our Facebook page, Again, you do not have to be a facebook iuser to surf the public web, it is just like reading the news or yahoo, or goolge, it is for all to see. So, if you would like to see more, then please click this link. Enjoy…..