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The 2014 IPYOA Calendar is released…. |
I have enjoyed making Island Packet Yacht calendars for the last 11 years. The images I use are actual photographs that I have taken of Island Packet flags and logos. The IPY factory has granted me approval to create these calendars. I like to focus on Island Packet Yachts sailing, anchored out or in interesting harbors. Owners from around the world submit images to include in the calendar. This year’s edition covers from Scotland to New England to the Exuma Islands of the Bahamas. If you would like to buy a calendar or other IP gear, please see my online store…
Here are the 13 images in the 2014 calendar. I hope you enjoy the photos.
Jan: IP 370 Midnight Sun Cruising Sea of Champlain |
Feb: Sailing from George Town Exumas to Long Island Bahamas |
Mar: IP 350 Kismet sails a code zero off Long Island Bahamas |
Apr: IP 40 Navigator, Warderick Wells, Bahamas Land and Sea Park |
May: Time to check the anchor, Kidd Cove, Bahamas |
June: A puffin watches over IP 380 Touche, Outer Hebrides, Scotland |
July: IP 38 Holiday with flags flying, Block Island, RI |
Aug: Island Packet Maine Rendezvous 2013 |
Sep: SP Cruiser CATRYN, Scottish Hebrides sailing to the Faroe Islands |
Oct: Skyway Bridge, Tampa, FL after IPY Factory Refit #1 |
Nov: IP 380 Judith III anchored off Cumberland Island, GA |
Dec: IP35-145 Serendipity Reaching for St. Augustine, FL |
The digital file folder that houses the 2014 edition includes 93 files in 22 folders and over 535 MB of data. It took approximately 20 hours to create, proof and edit this calendar. The proceeds of $5.00 per calendar are used to pay for the web servers, SQL database server, domain names, software, apps, and licenses to serve and manage the two Island Packet web sites I created: and The IP factory does not pay for any of these services. The fees are paid by me and by donations from IP owners and by the sale of these calendars. Thank you!
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