Chuck and Lynn sail into Marathon Florida |
Chuck and Lynn Evans of IP-380 CYAN completed their 7 year around the world circumnavigation when they made landfall in Antigua a few weeks ago. On their way from the Caribbean to the West Coast of Florida, they stopped in Marathon for a visit at Capt Jim’s Harbour Cay Club. I was there in Rock Hall, seven years ago when they were bolting on their wind vane and I asked them where they were going. They said..”WE ARE GOING AROUND THE WORLD!”
Radeen, Chuck, Lynn and Hayden WELCOME HOME ! |
Radeen and I would read their stories together as the emails and blog posts came in from around the world. We marveled at their adventures and long passages. We emailed them in the South Pacific, loved the photos of them off Sydney Opera House, enjoyed their land travels in South East Asia, and followed them into the Indian Ocean and Red Sea via Pirate Alley, through the Mediterranean and finally while crossing the Atlantic.
Luckily, we were in Marathon as they were heading to the West Coast of Florida and so they came to HCC for a few days, http://HarbourCayClub.org, where fellow IP owner Capt Jim is an HCC owner and where several IPs spend the winter. We all were honored to celebrate their circumnavigation together!
The celebrations on the dock. First dock since the the MED ! |
Champagne popped, cheers erupted and hugs to all, as they stepped onto the docks after their 8 day voyage from St, Thomas, USVI. Truly amazing was the fact that cruising friends, who sailed the South Pacific with them, saw their post on Facebook and came to join in the celebration. Also here to greet them were…
- Jeff and Marjorie on IP45 FAR NIENTE
- John and Nancy Knight on IP420 ADVENTURESS (formerLY IP40 LARKING ABOUT)
- Hayden and Radeen on IP35 ISLAND SPIRIT
- Glenn and Valerie on IP31 FANCY FREE II
- Lanny and Jim, owners at HCC and guests Charlene and Ed
- Al and Marysea on Captiva, owners at HCC
- Sandy and Bill, guests at HCC
The many flags of the Countries they visited ! |
Celebrations under the TiKi Hut for sun downers and stories are continuing. Driving in were Capt Jim, IP29 FORTUNA, Keith and Blanca of IP31 TRUE LOVE, Mike and Carol of IP31 NOMAD.
It is hard to grasp the concept of sailing around the world, but as Chuck and Lynn say….”IT IS EASY, JUST KEEP HEADING WEST!”
Chuck and Lynn are amazing people, and they are very FUN to be around. I thank them immensely for their years of sharing their accomplishment of this incredible dream. They are looking forward to moving back to land and returning to gardening, woodworking and painting.Their new home will be decorated with beautiful pieces of native artwork from their circumnavigation. Well done, Lynn and Chuck!
Chuck and Lynn’s Web Site for PHOTOS:
Chuck and Lynn’s BLOG
Chuck and Lynn’a YOUTUBE Videos
Chuck and Lynn on FACEBOOK
Chuck and Lynn’s photos on IPphotos
Here are some photos of the events…
Capt Jim, Keith, Blanca, Radeen, Nancy and John Island Packet Owners |
Chuck gives to Hayden his ocean fishing rig, gaff and fishing book in appreciation for all the support over the years! WOW, this rig and gear was sailed around the world! |
Chuck signs his book to us under the author’s signature from 2004 |
WELL DONE CHUCK and LYNN….world sailors! |
Mike (IP 31 Nomad) w/ Lynn and Chuck |
Hayden, Carol, Mike, Nancy, Chuck and Lynn |
Radeen, Lynn and Marjorie enjoy an evening of visits and stories |
Lynn and Chuck, IP380, World Sailors |
The harbor full of Island Packet Yachts and World Flags |
The famous TIKI HUT where we enjoy gathering at 1700 hrs. |
Chuck and Lynn with owners Ed and BJ |
Our pet Pelican overlooks one of our sunset gatherings…. |
It is a true honor to be in the company of Chuck and Lynn and to hear their stories and discussions of sailing around the world. Radeen and I are amazed at how easy they say it really is. JUST KEEP GOING WEST and you will sail around the world. Thank you Chuck and Lynn for seven years of emails, photos, blog posts and adventures, we were there with you the entire time…….and we loved it….Thank You!

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